Self Awareness

By Transformational Teacher and Energy Healer, Maria Erving

Most people live on autopilot without knowing it, and the only way to get back in the driver’s seat of your life is to become conscious of your thoughts and thinking-patterns. Worrying is something that everybody can relate to so let’s use that as an example in this article. 

Next time you feel worried about something, instead of getting consumed by it and letting it determine your emotional state, see it as the perfect opportunity for you to observe your ego-mind (where fear-based thoughts comes from). Observe how it’s always ‘not here’, but always in the future or past, and by this new awareness you are able to draw your mind back to the present moment. 

When you do this successfully you will feel a sense of relief and inner peace and calm. This peace is always available to us at all times, it’s just our thoughts that pull us away from it. The ego mind is always either wallowing in guilt or resentment about some past event or worrying about an imagined future which may or may not happen. In reality we can’t know what will happen even five minutes from now! 

We can only ever know what’s Right Now, and it’s in this very moment that peace can be found, not out there somewhere in the future when everything is ‘right’. You have it already – and when you feel it – you’re in alignment with life itself, and from this alignment all good things flow.

All we can know for sure is this moment right now, and the more we stay aligned with the present moment, the more peace we experience. And the more we follow the energy of fear and worry that is created by our thoughts, the more emotional and mental turmoil we experience. So, it’s all about becoming aware of the stories in your head and how they are shaping your life experience and affecting your overall well-being.

With self-awareness they will begin to fall away, because once you see through them, they can no longer affect you negatively. This does not mean you won’t ever feel fear again! You will, because for as long as we grow and evolve, we all experience it every now and then.

Every time we’re about to do something new it will show up, it’s only natural, that’s how we grow; by moving outside of our comfort zone.

Once we do that though, the fear goes away, so it’s not that kind of fear and worry that I’m talking about in this article.

What I’m talking about is the stories in our heads that makes a person a worrier, or someone who is more or less constantly living in a worried/anxious/tense state.

That type of worry is detrimental to every aspect of your life and should be banished for good, and self-awareness will help you with that.

The one who is worried is not ‘you’, it’s your ego, and when you increase and grow in self-awareness, you’ll see this very clearly and that’s when you can become free from it.

Become aware of how your mind always wanders from the present moment and what the stories are that creates the worry.

l Whatever the mind comes up with you don’t have to believe.

l The stories the mind makes up has no validity in your present life experience unless you choose to believe them.

l I invite you to physically touch something right now, for example the table where you’re sitting reading this, or the ground beneath you, touch it with your hands.

l Touch it and say to yourself that “this, what is right now, is all there is”. This will help you detach from your mind and become anchored in your body.

l Close your eyes and feel the power of the present moment, which is completely unruffled and not affected at all by your inner drama and turmoil.

l Nothing is actually happening but right now, and whatever you’re feeling is not you, it’s a story in your head that you’ve unconsciously believed in up until now.

l You can now choose to release those stories by taking yourself and your mind back to the present moment and stay with it for a moment.

l Just close your eyes and be fully in this moment, without the stories.

l Stay in the moment even if your mind wants to wander or wants to get your attention and say “this is what actually IS. There’s nothing else going on but this, this moment right now”.

l When you do this, then whatever you’re worried about or stressing about will lessen its grip on you and you will feel a sense of peace coming over you.

l And then, from this more peaceful state of mind you will be able to handle whatever it is that you need to handle without feeling anxiety or stress about it.

l The present moment is all we have, and when you get worried or fearful you become lost (in your mind)—and it’s all happening in the movement of thought!

l Worry is just a thought that creates stories in your mind that are not true, and when you see this clearly you’re able to bring your awareness back to this very moment, which is where life really is, and that’s when you find the peace that is always present and available to you.