Can this be true? Whilst everyone has been on lockdown twiddling their thumbs not knowing what the future will bring we’ve apparently had something else on our mind too and that is SEX!
It’s currently the most researched topic with sales of home pleasure kits and saucy outfits on the rise so I thought why not share my passion for cannabinoids on the subject and got a few of my cannabis babes to give their opinion too!
So how can CBD help with SEX?
So we already know that medical experts have tapped into CBD’s healing properties due to the fact that it works with our endocannabinoid system. The plants phytocannabinoids respond to our receptors CB1 and CB2 which help reduce inflammation, improve gut health, calm nerves, enhance sleep and can also give your sex life a boost!
Cannabis has been very well documented in a number of erotic historic ceremonies from the Roman ages up until today where it is still used in Tantric Sex rituals in India. So let’s look at how and why it works.
1 - Cannabinoids as an Aphrodisiac
CBD can be used as an aphrodisiac by consuming it in various ways from taking drops, applying lubricants or eating cannabis chocolates. The cannabinoids dilate your blood vessels, allowing fresh oxygenated blood to flow more easily and is associated with increased arousal and stimulation.
2 - Stimulating Sensations with CBD
Cannabinoid receptors are found in the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, vagina and vulva, this is why they play a significant role in the pleasures and pain associated with sex. It can improve low libido and the inability to achieve orgasms. Men that experience issues with erectile dysfunction may also benefit from using CBD as it increases blood flow and nerve sensation. This can help promote sexual pleasure and intensify orgasms.
3 - Reducing Sexual Discomfort
CBD may also be able to help with pain during sex as it is an anti-inflammatory. Applying CBD topically can also help women who experience painful sexual intercourse due to vaginal irritation or even dryness.
4 - Relaxing the Mind
One of the many ways that people use CBD is to help fight anxiety and improve their mental state. Using it in the bedroom can create a feeling of calm and relaxation therefore allowing you to have enhanced sexual pleasures.
5 – Enlightening Foreplay
As used as a lubricant CBD can enhance the sensation and climax. This is because it can repair tissue damage and improve blood flow to the genitals. Men and women have also claimed that it can enhance their sex drive.
6 - Massaging with CBD
Using a CBD massage oil helps to offer topical relief as well as a natural energy as it works into the body’s largest receptor the skin. To get your partner in the mood massage their body with CBD massage oil and let the magic begin! It can also be used for self pleasure!
Once you realise how wonderful combining cannabis into your sex life is there is no turning back. I spoke to three women from the cannabis industry to share their testimonies with you!
Leva B the owner of the prestigious The Green Boutique a Private Members Social Cannabis Club in Barcelona quoted “Euphoria on another level.”
“CBD helps to maximise pleasure and sensitivity as well as fostering a relaxed environment my clients are experiencing better orgasms and enhanced duration.” Tara has recently headed TLE in London, she’s currently working with clients using CBD for yoga and to improve their sexual experiences.
"It's so important that we talk about female pleasure, whether you share it with someone or if it's only with yourself." Micha Dorch aka Lady Silverstoned is a Swedish cannabis podcaster and content creator. Check out her recent podcast on the shady side of the cannabis industry to discover more.
Cannabinoids are the peoples best friend they can help with every aspect of modern day life helping to ease anxiety reduce stress and indeed promote a better and healthier sex life. If you want to find out more about cannabis please do not hesitate to contact us we are here to help!