3 Stay-Calm Techniques


1.) Acknowledge & Release 

Before we even think about releasing stress we've got to acknowledge that it's there in the first place. Have you ever had pain in the body which you can't explain? 

Our muscles and tissues are great at healing themselves - so if the pain is lasting more than 6-months -1-year perhaps it's time to put down the foam-roller and dig a little deeper.

We can have pain/ stress within the body because we're not tapping into our parasympathetic nervous system enough (our relaxed healing body state), so we're not teaching our bodies to release the tension naturally.

Just observing the body to understand where the stress could be coming from, acknowledging how it could link to our mindset is so important; a skill that takes practice none-the-less...

Exercise; take 5-mins today to sit, take one hand to your belly and one hand to your heart then come back to your natural breath. 

Rather than turning off the brain, instead, think about all the stressors you have coming up in your life, and notice where in your body you can physically feel it. Perhaps it's in your shoulders, your hips or jaw?

As you breath out nice and slow, try to start relaxing that sticky area, let those tensions melt away. It may take time, but with patience and trust, you will let go. 


2.) More Oxytocin! 

Let me introduce you to Oxytocin; the cuddle compound. A hormone well-known for its role in child-bird, breast-feeding, and maternal bonding.  It's often called the "love hormone" which makes sense as it reinforces our relationships, plus it's a total stress crusher! 

Humans are wired for social support to bump up levels of happy hormones, Oxytocin being a key player in lowering inflammation. 

A solo hug (furry friends included), and especially with someone you love can reduce cortisol levels (stress hormone), help you heal overburdened adrenals, and fight free radicals (toxins); not to mention it feels plain good! 

Activity; give the ones you live with extra hugs, squeeze them tight for 20 seconds + (even if you feel more comfortable with a mask). Then think, do you know anyone who lives on their own? If so, remember they NEED this social interaction even if it's virtual. 

3.) Anti-stress diet!

We now know emotions & psychological wellbeing play their part with stress, but it’s also true that the body is totally connected. The feet for example are often linked to hip pain, love of processed foods could be a sign of poor sleep hygiene, and stress is frequently paired with unhappy gut-microbes (good bacteria within the digestive tract). After all anxiety is a symptom and thats one we want to keep away! 

So how do we make our belly happy again, and how did it become unhappy in the first place? Well, first we have to match our gut with where its at. If you’re someone who struggles with gut symptoms or IBS then munching RAW like Rodger Rabbit will only make your symptoms worse! 

For sensitive stomachs prioritise hot, cooked veggies, soups, stews and curries. Enjoy a diet containing mostly plants, but be in tune with what your body needs to fuel your lifestyle. 

Limit sugar, anything artificial and sorry to say alcohol! Always pick whole foods rather than packaged, versus refined and perfect. Let herbs spice up your life, get among legumes (beans and pulses), dabble in fermented food, taste, explore and most importantly enjoy. 

Food choice is important but focussing primarily on health aspects of food can sabotage our relationship with it (and others). This outlook can lead to further gut issues, and you guessed it stress! So let's not forget food is about more than health, food is about community, culture, experiences and so much much more. 

Contact: Millie Sophia Pugh 

BASI qualified Pilates instructor 

Contact, What's-app +44| 7790 700075 IG @pocket.pilates